Sub TextToHyperlink() selection = ThisComponent.CurrentSelection Select Case (selection.ImplementationName) Case "ScCellObj" ReplaceHyperlink(selection) Case "ScCellRangeObj" RangeReplaceHyperlink(selection.RangeAddress) Case "ScCellRangesObj" For Each address In selection.RangeAddresses RangeReplaceHyperlink(address) Next End Select End Sub 2 Sub RangeReplaceHyperlink(ByVal address) sheet = ThisComponent.Sheets(address.Sheet) For y = address.StartRow To address.EndRow For x = address.StartColumn To address.EndColumn ReplaceHyperlink(sheet.getCellByPosition(x, y)) Next Next End Sub Sub ReplaceHyperlink(ByVal cell) If (cell.String = "") Then Exit Sub End If hyperlink = ThisComponent.createInstance("") hyperlink.Representation = cell.String hyperlink.URL = cell.String cell.Text.insertTextContent(cell.createTextCursor(), hyperlink, True) End Sub